About Us

Welcome to Sycamore Video, the Blogspot of Indiana State University's original student video organization! This is where you can find news, videos, and photos about campus as well as information about upcoming independent film festivals, independently-produced movies, updates about former students, local filmmakers, videographers and more!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sycamore Video Background

Sycamore Video, ISU’s student video club, sponsored by the Department of Communication and open to any ISU major, has historically produced programs on campus cable channel 20. The programs included “Sycamore Beat,” a half-hour weekly news program, “SycVid,” a program that highlighted student film-style projects, and “Sycamore Video Special Presentation,” a program that put the spotlight on special campus events. Another program “Almost Live,” was produced in association with Sycamore Video by the Communication 331 Advanced Television class. “Almost Live,” a talk, variety, and entertainment show included bands, singers, guests, and almost anything of interest to the ISU community.

Sycamore Video also sponsors the Indiana State University

Student Video Expo. This continues to be a great opportunity for all students interested in film/video to show their productions to an audience outside of the classroom. Categories include Commercial/PSA/Commercial Satire, Video Shorts (video under 2:00), Movie Trailers (for movies that don’t exist), Video (2:00-5:00), Long Form Video (5:00-15:00) and News Package/Continuing Series. This allows all students at ISU an opportunity to vie for the coveted “Woody Award” given to the winners in each category. The video expo takes place on the last Thursday in April every year and is open to the general public.   

For more information or to get involved, please contact Mr. Jeffrey Perkins at 237-3234 or feel free to attend a Sycamore Video meeting held Mondays at 4:00 PM in Erickson Hall room 410.